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Lat45° Adventure Ministries is a faith based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our goal is to fulfill the great commission as stated in the Holy Bible, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with youth. 

This is accomplished by providing young people, from all different walks of life, an opportunity to experience the majestic mountains of the Northern Rockies.  These experiences will be used as vessels to deliver the good news message of Jesus, and to encourage those in their faith who have already given their lives to Him.

The organization is based outside of Billings, Montana and was started in Ennis, Montana, the heart of the Madison Valley, the doorstep of Yellowstone National Park. This region is surrounded by National Forest, wilderness areas, rivers, lakes, and mountains that can easily be accessed for outdoor adventure programs.



Christ Driven, Spirit Led

Our philosophy is that getting kids out of their normal environment and away from all the modern conveniences of life will allow them to be more open to receive the good news God has given everyone.  Participants will be challenged physically, mentally, and spiritually. They will also develop an appreciation for the great outdoors and wilderness conservation. Also, Lat45° adventure trips give participants the opportunity to learn outdoor, leadership, and teaming skills.

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Someday that mountain in front of you will be so far in the distance behind you that you can't even see it anymore. But the person you become getting over it? That person stays with you forever. That's the point of the mountain.

The physical journey represents our spiritual journey, God working with us in our lives.

That is the goal of Lat45°.



Lat45°Adventure Ministries is fully funded by donations from individuals like you. It is because of the financial gifts that young people can be a part of a God driven outdoor adventure experience for free. God has done, is doing, and will continue to do mind blowing works through this ministry.


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